What Is Tracklist Project About
Ideally, this is a creative composition using a list of artiste tracks (song titles) to suit reality, arriving at a suitable storyline.
A passionate writer making effective use of his leisure to inspire, promote, influence and impact others livelihood.
Never Give UP.
Flourish And Multiply (FAM)
One may ask why ‘Tracklist’ and what inspired that.
• Tracklist is basically a list of artiste songs, in this respect, aims at blending fiction and reality in a write-up composed around (using) a list of artiste tracks (song titles).
• This was inspired by my music play list one afternoon, originally influenced by Westlife before Celine Dion, followed by the others.
• For instance, a song by Simi - titled “Smile for me” in a sentence with a song by Akimo – titled “Talk to me” and so many others aimed at;
1. Promoting the artiste songs,
2. Arriving at a meaningful storyline.
Each write-up features a variety of track titles, with tracks highlighted in bold and in quotation marks and ends with the list of tracks and artistes featured.
Forms of Tracklist
Tracklist in this respect is grouped into two (2);
1. Tracklist Story (single)
2. Tracklist Project (Album)
1. Tracklist Story
This is basically a content write-up either on its own storyline (single) or relating to other storylines making up a project (album).
For instance, “My Love Journey 1” is a tracklist story but relating to the project (album) “The Deprived Soul”.
Whilst, “A Friend’s Obsession” is a tracklist story with its own storyline, not related to any project (album).
2. Tracklist Project (Album)
This consists of a number of tracklist stories put together to arrive at a storyline, thus, the album in question.
For instance, nine (9) tracklist stories put together to arrive at a unit storyline (The Deprived Soul).
Copyright © September 22, 2021
All rights reserved. This material may not be published for purposes contrary to what it ideally stands for.
Published for:
@Mhanab Inspirations (Ⓜ️Inspirations)
Mhanager Nana AB (Mhanab)
Mhanab Publications, Kumasi
Website: https://mhanager.blogspot.com
E-mail: mhanabinspirations@gmail.com
Thanks for your cooperation.
Never Give UP.
Flourish And Multiply (FAM)
Mhanager Nana AB (Mhanab)
© September 22, 2021
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